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Online Blackjack Tips

Blackjack Terms

Burning cards means that, after shuffling, your dealer will need to take out the very first card, which won't be put back in until the following shuffle.

A stiff hand refers to any hand that totals 12 to 16.

A pat hand refers to any hand that totals 17 to 21.

A snapper is a blackjack Neon54-Casino.net.

A natural is also a blackjack.

The hole card is the card that your dealer gets, which you aren't able to see.

The first base is the very first seat that your dealer deals to.

The third base is the very last seat that your dealer deals to.

A push refers to a tie that occurs between your dealer and any player.

A soft hand refers to any hand with an Ace, which can count as 11.

A hard hand refers to any hand, which isn't considered soft

Blackjack Hands

One vital factor that will determine your next move would be whether you have a soft or hard hand.

A hard hand refers to a hand that doesn't have an Ace and where the total of the player is determined on the other cards' face values. This comes with basic rules:

  • If your dealer has a 2 to 3, hit up until 13, but do not go higher than that.
  • If your dealer has a 4 to 6, hit up until 12, but do not go higher than that.
  • If your dealer has a 7 - 10 or an Ace, hit up until 17, but do not go higher than that.

The soft hand refers to a hand that has an Ace that could count as either 1 or 11. For instance Ace, 6, 5, would not be soft since an Ace that counts as 11 is a bust. This is how you should deal with soft hands:

  • If your dealer has a 2 to 8, hit up until a minimum of soft 18s.
  • If your dealer has a 9 to 10, or an Ace, hit up until soft 19s.
  • If your soft hand gets hard (you get cards that stop you from having an Ace worth 11), then go back to the aforementioned rules on hard hands.

Strategic and good reasons exist for this particular system. However, you should know that professionals use this particular method.